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Types of Narrative Techniques for Your English Assignment

You often need to narrate a story, drama, poetry, etc. in your English assignment. Being aware of the correct narrative convention and style is always helpful for a writer to convey his message to the audience. It allows you to make your imagination live and use your creativity to engage the reader in your story.

English Assignment

The character also plays an important role in a narration. You can use different narrative techniques when you share your thoughts with the readers. There are different types of narrative techniques that you can use in your English assignment to make your write-up speak on its own.

Let us have a look at some popularly used narrative techniques today–

  1. First-person narratives – In this technique, the writer himself takes all the responsibility and narrates it in his voice. He relates himself to the story either actively or passively and refers to himself as ‘I’. In this, the author doesn't need to be the primary character in the story. The writer usually discusses with himself and may not have an idea about the further course of action.
  2. Autobiographical novels – This technique can be used when you have to write an autobiography in your English assignment. In this, the author’s life is narrated using real-life characters with pseudo names. They are also known as ‘semi-autobiographies’ if they use auto-fiction techniques that are not completely based on true facts and incidents.
  3. Third person omniscient – In this, a third-person is used by the author to narrate the story. The term omniscient is used as the author assumes that the third person knows everything about the story. That person can be referred by his name or by pronouns like he, she or they by the author. The third-person communicates directly with the reader, although he may not disclose everything about the present and past.
  4. Historical narratives – The historical stories or narratives describe some historical events which are based on people from history. They use some fictional characters from the past in their write-up with incidents taken from the past. You can also find this type of narrative in fantasy, mysteries, historical fiction, novels, etc.

You can use these techniques when you write your English assignment to enhance and strengthen it. Knowing what kind of narrative you should use for a particular type of assignment is highly essential. For this you may need expert advice. You can take expert assignment help for your English assignment from Global Assignment Help Australia where experts are always there to provide assistance for all your assignment related problems.